카테고리 없음

[Build 에러] Cannot find JAR required by module 'gradle-dependency-management'

hyerann 2022. 11. 2. 10:53

IntelliJ에서 갑자기 아래와 같은 에러가 뜨면서 build가 안되는 현상이 발생함
-> gradlew 버전을 all > bin 으로 수정하여 해결

Error:Cannot find JAR 'http-client:4.5.10.jar' required by module 'gradle-dependency-management' using classpath or distribution directory '*\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-6.5.1-all\*\gradle-6.5.1'



How to fix "Error:Cannot find JAR 'ivy-2.2.0.jar' required by module 'gradle-dependency-management' using classpath or distribut

I'm trying to create an Android application in Android Studio. When I try to create the project, it tells me that the Gradle refresh failed, with the error message Error:Cannot find JAR 'ivy-2.2....
